13 February 2025, 08:47
By Furniture News Sept 27, 2022

Why Brussels Furniture Fair is bursting with potential

Brussels Furniture Fair (Meubelbeurs) returns to Brussels Expo from 6-9th November this year, and promises to mark a return to normality for buyers seeking some of the top European suppliers.

"The Brussels Furniture Fair was one of the first international trade fairs to open its doors after the worldwide crisis that Covid-19 has put us in," says the fair's director of sales and business development, Glenn De Maeseneer.

"Doing so in November 2021 would be accompanied by many dangers lurking around the corner. Extra measures and efforts were necessary from both the organiser and exhibitors, and even then, organising an international face-to-face event remained risky. Legislation changed from day to day, and our organisation had to be able to adapt.

"But, in the end, we felt rewarded for pushing through. Despite everything, the fair barely saw a drop in attendance. The Brussels Furniture Fair therefore emphasises its gratitude towards its visitors and exhibitors. Their trust, support and drive led to a positive vibe that resulted in good business. Exhibitors and visitors left the halls of Brussels Expo without masks, and with visible smiles … as if all the bubbles had suddenly burst. The 2022 slogan, 'Bubble up your business', is a clear nod to this.

"Today, we are still closely monitoring recent developments regarding Covid-19, and look forward to the upcoming fair with confidence. We are ready to welcome everyone back in Brussels with well-filled halls, and in a festive atmosphere with champagne (back to the bubbles that really matter!).

"With +20% more exhibitors compared to 2021, and 4500 sqm of additional floorspace, the range of products on offer is getting bigger and bigger. This increase in scale will be particularly noticeable among the bedding specialists in Hall 6, where we can welcome 12 new exhibitors.

"During these challenging times we all find ourselves in, Brussels wants to offer reliability and an efficient visit to everyone with a heart for furniture."

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