18 February 2025, 01:00
By Furniture News Jun 09, 2014

IFEX reveals Indonesia’s imaginative industry

The new IFEX exhibition made its debut in Jakarta this spring, ousting IFFINA’s position as Indonesia’s principal sourcing platform. While the new show is more an evolution than a revolution, it’s a promising development for a country trying to build the prowess of its exports, reports Paul Farley …

For buyers brave enough to step away from the mainstream, Indonesia has long proved a source for unique  styles. Abundant natural resources and a tradition of woodworking and handicraft result in a feast of opportunities for those seeking to differentiate their offering from the mainstream – and today, IFEX is the best place to sample it.

Its halls abound with tasteful teak and rattan chairs, elegant wooden cabinet furniture ranges – often boasting intricate hand-carved details – reclaimed timbers and industrial metals, and handicrafts made from natural elements such as hides and shells. In the main, the product is warm and exotic, ideal for homeowners who want to bring the outdoors inside and get back to nature.   

It may be a somewhat niche proposition, but Indonesian style has definitely found a place in the UK market, much of it the output of factories owned by Western European ex-pats – high quality and impressive design flourishes come as standard.

Until this year, the JIExpo exhibition centre played host to IFFINA, itself an event experiencing laudable growth. The launch of UBM’s new IFEX fair – endorsed by the Ministry of Trade and, crucially, the influential Indonesian Furniture & Handicraft Association (AMKRI) – has effectively supplanted IFFINA as the event most representative of Indonesia’s industry. 

“Abundant natural resources and a tradition of woodworking and handicraft result in a feast of opportunities for those seeking to differentiate their offering from the mainstream”

On the face of it, little has changed. A number of component, coating and timber suppliers, alongside a few high-end interior fabric suppliers, now augment the core furniture and handicraft offering, but the majority of Indonesia’s key exporters remain in place. There’s been some cosmetic overhaul, and a bold marketing campaign, coinciding with the annual general meeting of the International Association of Furnishing Publications (the IAFP, of which Furniture News is the sole UK member).

However, it feels like the IFEX of today is definitely a stronger entity than the IFFINA of yesterday, with the potential to achieve significant growth. Christopher Eve, senior vice president of UBM Asia, has hinted that the imminent development of a new venue will facilitate such expansion.

To those UK buyers looking to stock something a little different, and not yet acquainted with the Indonesian scene, I can recommend a visit to IFEX, which will take place next year between 12-15th March.

This report was published in the May issue of Furniture News magazine – visit the digital issue archive to see a sample of the products on display.

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