15 January 2025, 05:58
By Victoria Noakes Jun 16, 2016

Asif Ayub, Matza

Asif Ayub is the MD of Matza, a family-run business with a passion for making great quality, design-led mattresses, beds and upholstered bedsets.

How did you enter the trade?
My parents had set up a business as upholsterers and my mum used to take me to work with her. My dad ran all aspects of the business while she did all the tailoring. You could say it was in my blood!

Who is your inspiration?
My parents. My mum used to give me fabrics to play with along with a pair of scissors. Even as a young child the different colours and textures were fascinating to me. My father’s company, Highgate, was my inspiration in later years.

What has been your career high point?
Turning a massively negative situation, both financially and otherwise, into a positive profit-making company.
... and low point?
When Sleepmode – the company I was the MD of before Matza – ceased trading. The recession was having a massive effect throughout all industries and Sleepmode didn’t escape unfortunately.

A couple of our big accounts had been struggling for a while and we tried to support them, working with them as far as we could, however they eventually went into liquidation and this had a massive financial impact on us as a company. I had to make the decision to cease trading. Laying off employees and letting down some of our suppliers was one of the toughest things I’ve had to do.
… and the turning point?
Realising people not only liked the products I was designing and had been working on but were willing to pay for them! It kind of qualifies my work over the last few years and allays any doubts I had that I had fantastic product. An added bonus was the additional jobs created along the way.
Describe a typical working day
I ‘walk the factory’ every morning, checking processes and quality and that everything is running smoothly, chatting with my employees along the way. My office work consists of sourcing fabrics and checking trends – I’m always looking for inspiration for new designs. My day also involves product developing and designing, making up samples for buyers to look at.

If you had to start over, you’d probably pursue which career?
Definitely fashion and design, possibly the manufacturing aspect of it.

What date on the business calendar do you most look forward to?
The Milan and Paris shows are a definite highlight for me. They’re a pretty good indication of what customers are going to be looking for in the UK a couple of years down the line and they have some amazing designs.

What is the most important issue affecting your business right now?
The supply chain. It’s ruthless – there’s no trust any more. I think the credit crunch has had a wide impact and no-one dares give an inch. Gone are the days of business done on a handshake.

What company do you most look up to?
B & B Italia – their products, their manufacturing, their marketing – I can’t fault them.

What would you most like to change about yourself?
I’d love to be more organised. The creative side in me dictates otherwise however, and my focus can change in an instant, much to the chagrin of those with whom I work closely!

What do you enjoy most about working in the trade?
The interaction with both my employees and clients. I enjoy the cut and thrust of the day-to-day goings on at work as well as the designing and developing side with our customers.

Finally, if you could share one piece of advice, what would it be? 
Always maintain belief in yourself – you’re the only obstacle to your own success!

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