05 February 2025, 06:49
By Furniture News Jul 07, 2016

James Newall, Hästens

Established in 1852, Sweden’s oldest bed-maker, Hästens, opened a showroom in Fitzrovia, London, in May 2012. James Newall is that showroom's manager.

How did you enter the trade?
I spent 20 years in luxury retail, covering a wide range of products but always interested in quality hand-made craftsmanship of personal luxury products such as jewellery, leather goods, silver, china and glass. I spent one year stepping into luxury sporting goods before the opportunity came to join Hästens and return to my first love – interiors.

Who was your inspiration?
Different people provide inspiration for different things – from management styles to handling enquiries, from product development to general life skills. Every day can bring someone new into your life that will leave an indelible mark in some way. My inspiration for joining Hästens was talking to the human resources director and the company owner about the ethical beds and the company’s focus on providing the best sleep, and the health benefits of sleeping well.

What was your career high point?
In Hästens, it was opening the first UK Hästens store and then selling my first Vividus – the ultimate in sleep experience. There is enormous satisfaction in knowing you are providing the best solution to a client’s problems. However, I have also worked in theatre and I have to admit that performing on a West End stage was also pretty special!

… and low point?
I worked for a wonderful, traditional company which had spent years carving out a niche for itself in providing anything you wanted, as long as it was made from the finest materials. The answer was always “yes, now what is it you would like?”  The company was sold and redeveloped and lost all its character, product and philosophy … consequently, it also lost its clients. 

Describe a typical working day …
I hate routine! The joy of being in a service industry is that every client and every enquiry is special and unique. The only standards are that the shop opens at 10am and closes at 7pm. However, our personal working days are quite different. Long may it remain so!

If you had to start over, you’d probably pursue which career?
Theatre – management or acting. Or both. Plenty of variety there!

What date on the business calendar do you most look forward to? 
This year, it was definitely Decorex – it was our first visit since we opened last year, and it was such a wonderful forum for luxury lifestyle businesses.

What is the most important issue affecting your business right now?
Changing the way people think about, and shop for, beds. Most people view their bed as just another piece of furniture in a room most people won’t see. We are focused on communicating the health and lifestyle benefits that come from choosing the right bed.

Many people take care of themselves while they are awake, but forget that their bodies need to rest and repair themselves at night. A good night’s sleep is as important as the right diet and the right exercise regime. Top athletes in all sports have strict periods of rest and sleep built into their training schedules to allow them to perform at their peak.

What company do you most look up to?
Hästens, of course! Seriously, I don’t think any other company combines quality manufacture with such a passion for changing people’s lives.

What would you most like to change about yourself?
Someone once said I was a bit of a dilettante. I love to surround myself with different ideas and projects. Sometimes I know I could do with a little more focus!

What do you enjoy most about working in the trade?
The moment when the light goes on in a client’s eyes and they let out a deep sigh. Then I know they’ve ‘got it’ and found their perfect bed.

Leave us with an industry anecdote please!
Every order is its own story, and our days are full of characters. I remember our first trade show where we had invited a famous Swedish actor onto the stand to sign DVDs of his most famous role. For the only time since I joined Hästens, we had queues round the stand and down the aisles! He was charming and patient, and allowed some pictures to be taken of him on one of our beds.

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