23 October 2024, 08:32


With widespread disruption and anxieties running high, it’s worth reiterating the importance of good sleep, and in this month’s issue we present the bed businesses at the (sprung) edge of innovation, starting with a look at Harrison Spinks’ work towards a sustainable future.

Another business taking the long view is Westbridge, which is tackling the looming manufacturing skills gap by opening a new training academy (and paying tribute to its long-serving employees).

Meanwhile, Furniture Today’s Bill McLoughlin urges us not to see store closures as a sign of ‘retail armageddon’, and Rob Scarlett and Alexander & James remind us there’s more to life than the nine to five.

There’s some practical advice about the unprecedented national crisis in which we find ourselves – but we’re also keeping the bigger picture in mind until we know more. 

As Next’s Lord Wolfson put it: “It would be easy for us to talk or think of nothing else, but that would be a mistake. Our sector continues to experience profound and lasting structural changes, and these changes are not on hold.”

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