23 September 2024, 10:15
By Furniture News Oct 12, 2015

Bed Show dinner raises over £6k for industry charity

The National Bed Federation's (NBF) members have been nicknamed ‘Bed Fed Heroes’ by the Furniture Makers’ Company, for raising over £6000 at its annual Gala Dinner for the charity.

Held during the Bed Show at the Telford International Centre in September, the NBF Gala Dinner not only raised £2310 from £5 on each ticket sale, but a table collection on the night produced over £2700, plus a further pledge for £1000 was made.

Jessica Alexander, NBF executive director, says: “We’re delighted that our Gala Dinner raised such an amazing amount. We’ve worked closely with the charity for a number of years and it is fantastic to know that people are still very willing to put their hands in their pockets and donate money to help the Furniture Makers – which is the industry’s only dedicated charity.”

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