21 January 2025, 08:16
By Furniture News Nov 10, 2020

BRC launches carbon-cutting retail plan

A total of 63 leading retailers have come together to support the British Retail Consortium (BRC) Climate Action Roadmap, which aims to bring the retail industry and its supply chains to Net Zero carbon emissions by 2040. 

This follows an announcement made earlier in the year, when 20 major retailers signed a declaration to develop the Climate Action Roadmap to tackle the causes of climate change. The BRC believes that, with vital support from the Government, the retail industry can decarbonise stores by 2030, deliveries by 2035 and products by 2040.

The roadmap sets out five areas of action: putting decarbonisation at the core of all business decision-making; reducing carbon emissions from shops and distribution centres; moving to net zero logistics operations; increasing sustainably sourced products; and helping customers and employees to live low-carbon lifestyles.

The roadmap builds upon the Better Retail Better World campaign, whereby retailers are leading the charge to meet some of the biggest global challenges of the coming decade. The plans will be outlined in detail at the UNFCCC Race to Zero Dialogues on 10th November. 

Helen Dickinson OBE, chief executive of the BRC, says: “Climate change is a threat that none of us can afford to ignore. The BRC Climate Action Roadmap is a clear and decisive statement that the retail industry is ready to take on this challenge - to be part of the solution. By 2040, we want every UK customer to be able to be able to make purchases – in store and online – safe in the knowledge that they are not contributing to global heating.

“Never before has an entire industry been so ambitious in tackling climate change. Retail is the critical gateway between vast international supply chains and every one of us as citizens. We have a fantastic opportunity to make a real global difference if we can all work collectively.”

Bensons for Beds is one of the retailers that has committed to be Net Zero by 2040, 10 years ahead of the Government's target, in support of the roadmap.

Bensons' COO Joe Wykes says: “As one of the first mattress manufacturers to offer carbon-neutral packaging, Bensons for Beds is fully committed to delivering innovative and traceable product solutions that help to reduce climate change to build customer trust.  

“We wholeheartedly support the BRC’s Climate Change Roadmap because we know progress is dependent on everyone in retail – from the factory to shop floor – standing together. We’ll proudly play our part alongside our retail peers.”

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