14 February 2025, 01:32
By Furniture News Oct 29, 2015

Brits opt to spend daylight savings hour in bed, says Dormeo

The results of a nationwide survey of 2197 people by memory foam mattress brand Dormeo has revealed that 75% of Brits preferred to stay in bed for the extra hour last weekend, rather than using it to be productive.

Dormeo launched the poll in October, in an attempt to find out about the UK’s habits when it came to having one hour given back. As well as choosing between having a Power Hour or Snooze, respondents revealed which activities they were most likely to take part in for the extra hour of daylight savings.The results found that 12% used the time to read, 12% to catch up on TV, while a massive 35% simply slept. Team Power Hour generally spent the time exercising (7%), and organising (5%).

MD of Dormeo, Mike Pitt, recognised the universal feeling of not having enough time in the day, saying: “People today have such hectic schedules. Working longer hours, commuting over longer distances, taking care of the little ones and so on can be draining. One extra hour to either get things done or recharge your batteries can have a massively positive impact.

“As the results show, people really appreciate being able to do things like read, organise and declutter, which they may not usually have the time to do, even just for an hour. At Dormeo, we would always recommend that everyone gets between seven and nine hours' sleep each night, and are glad to see the results of the poll show that many did use it as an opportunity to have some downtime.”

The UK’s clocks went back an hour on 25th October, marking the end of daylight savings. It has been 99 years since the clocks first went back in the UK in 1916.

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