Buoyant Upholstery is the latest company to gain certified status under the Furniture Industry Research Association's Compliance Scheme for the Fire Performance of Upholstered Furniture.
Despite being in place since 1988, the Furniture & Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations (FFFSR) are complex and require sophisticated management to demonstrate compliance. The association's scheme aims to offer reassurance that a manufacturer, retailer, upholsterer or supplier of upholstered furniture has suitable processes and procedures in place to demonstrate due diligence compliance with FFFSR.
In order to become a certified company of the compliance scheme, Buoyant’s manufacturing site was audited to ensure due diligence procedures covering all facets of production were not only in place, but were robust enough to meet the requirements of the FFFSR.
This included checking the process management systems, control of materials, traceability, compliance testing, labelling and crisis management.
Glen Ainsworth, development director of Buoyant Upholstery, says: “Compliance and Safety is always at the forefront at everything we do here at Buoyant Upholstery. The independent audit reviewed our materials, traceability, labelling and systems to ensure they comply with the requirements of the Furniture & Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations."