18 September 2024, 02:10
By Furniture News Sept 25, 2013

Club Green aims to demystify environmental legislation

Members of a furniture industry scheme, which aims to save time and the planet, are recommending it to others. Club Green aims to show which environmental legislation applies to certain companies and what it really means on a day-to-day basis. Members will also be the first to know about new legislation.

The scheme aims to save time by guiding through the legal requirements of current and new legislation, including how to dispose of waste, source timber or regulate air emissions. 

“Club Green has saved me from reading endless legal documents by providing regular concise updates. Plus, the useful helpline service has put an end to legislation headaches,” says Tom O’Connor, Morrells.

“I needed to quickly understand how environmental legislation affects us and how I can comply. Club Green was the answer,” says Angela Keenan, TMJI.

Club Green you allows members to get to grips with current environmental legislation related to the furniture industry, without all of the hard work.

“Our Club Green members were told about the new EU Timber Regulation two years ago when it was first announced. I am still speaking to people now who are not members and have only just realised it affects them.” said James Bell, FIRA’s Environmental Consultant who runs Club Green.

He continued: “Environmental legislation in the UK and Europe is becoming increasingly stringent, so it is really important that organisations understand how it applies to them. Unfortunately, legislation is generally written in legal terms and can take substantial time and effort to read and understand. Club Green helps by breaking down the information into an easy to comprehend manual, we provide regular updates and are always on the other end of the phone to help answer your questions.”

The Club Green Environment Manual clearly sets out the legislation and provides guidance on how to comply with it. It also contains a Legislation Register, required for the achieving ISO 14001 certification. The quarterly newsletter provides valuable updates, such as information about the EU Timber Regulation that came into force in March.

For organisations that want to build their environmental managements systems, with a view to gaining certifications, Club Green Stage Two can give them some additional guidance. Stage Two includes an annual Site Review, where a Club Green Consultant will visit premises and provide a tailored service to organisations. Members will also receive Club Green Certification which can be used in tenders to show commitment to achieving environmental certification.

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