23 September 2024, 02:36
By Furniture News Jul 15, 2015

Ercol competition’s winning design

As part of the manufacturer’s support for Bucks New University’s annual Art and Design Show, ercol organised a competition for the BA students’ final-year project – to design a wooden chair that would synonymously fit the ercol aesthetic. 

The winning student – judged by Edward and Vicky Tadros, grandson and granddaughter of ercol’s founder – was Jacob Underwood, who designed a modern-day stackable dining chair, which has been made into three prototypes in ercol’s factory.

Edward says: “We chose Jacob’s stacking chair as we really appreciated that the design was well thought through, creating a clever and aesthetically pleasing piece of furniture. ercol makes a number of stacking pieces of furniture itself, from stools to chairs and so we understand the complex nature of the design.”

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