The fifth consortium meeting of the FreeFoam project's partners was held in July at Furniture Makers Hall, home to the Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers. The partners gave detailed presentations on the work performed and results achieved since the previous meeting in January, across the core sectors of the project, comprising research, development, dissemination and exploitation activities.
The meeting discussed and developed the plans and actions necessary to complete the next stage in the project, which aims to ‘develop an improved PU foaming process using microencapsulated isocyanate to precisely control the foaming reaction during the production of PUR expanded foam’.
The challenges to be met by the partners in the coming months were reviewed and agreed as: to refine the chemical formulation and process for producing microencapsulated isocyanate in volume; and to perform experimental pilot production trials with detailed product assessment leading to the development of training programmes during November 2015.
The consortium thanked the BFM for its hospitality.
FreeFoam commenced in May 2013 with a planned duration of three years. The project is funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013), under grant agreement no. 309283.