17 February 2025, 23:29
By Furniture News Mar 27, 2015

Fitted furniture ahead at John Lewis

John Lewis today reports a good take up in new season lines for the week to 21st March, with Home up 2.7%, Home Accessories and Gifts leading the way at 5.3% up, with Seasonal Gifts ahead at 32.4% up and Lighting coming in with a strong performance at 7.3% up.

Furniture came in next, with notable performances from Fitted Furniture at 19.2% up and Upholstery at 8.1% up. Textiles and Carpets put on 2.5%.

"Despite overall sales being down -1.4% our fashion sales put on 2.9% year-on-year," comments David Barford, director of selling, London and South. "The performance of our online business continued, with strong growth up 12.7% year-on-year.

"Our branches saw a mix of trade with some good results from Exeter at 3.2% up and at homes Chichester up 2.0%, Poole up 1.8% and Croydon up 0.9%. From our full-line shops the best result came from Stratford City, up 4.2%.

"As you read this Easter is approaching and this offers us an opportunity to capture sales across all areas as customers prepare for spring, the school holidays and all things Fashion and Home and leisure related."

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