27 July 2024, 02:02
By Furniture News Apr 19, 2024

Industry friends to walk Wales for Myeloma UK

Four furniture industry professionals are preparing to walk across Wales this June in aid of Myeloma UK.

The team, which comprises sales agents Sas Haines and Emma Hughes, Paul Howe (Westbridge), and Callum Day (Baker Furniture), is aiming to raise awareness and funds for the cause, with Paul and Callum tackling the challenge in memory of their fathers, and Emma in support of her dad, a myeloma patient.

The 46-mile Rotary Across Wales Walk will start on Saturday, 22nd June, in Machynlleth, and will conclude in the Welsh border town of Montgomery.

The team's fundraising target is £5000 – a JustGiving page has been set up to receive donations.

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