27 July 2024, 03:28
By Furniture News Feb 14, 2013

Knightsbridge lends aid to Eastern Europe

Bradford-based Knightsbridge Furniture has donated two trucks to the Yorkshire Aid Convoy to help in the charity’s annual delivery of clothing, medical equipment and other essential supplies to Eastern Europe. The pair of 12-tonne Mercedes Benz trucks will form part of an aid convoy which leaves for Romania early this month.

“With our own strong local roots, we were delighted to be able to support this Yorkshire-based charity in such a practical way,’ says Knightsbridge MD, Alan Towns. Yorkshire Aid Convoy trustee and volunteer Gary Dooley adds: “Millions of families in Romania and the Ukraine face a lack of food, clothing, education and employment every day. With help from companies like Knightsbridge, we can make a real change to their lives.”

The progress of the Knightsbridge trucks as they travel across Europe can be followed online here.

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