21 September 2024, 00:49
By Furniture News Jul 31, 2024

Last chance to enter NBF Bed Industry Awards

The National Bed Federation (NBF) is reminding the UK and Irish bed trade to enter its first round of Bed Industry Awards by Friday 2nd August, at 5pm.

The awards honour some of the brightest and best enterprises in the bed market and showcase the best in inspiration, design and innovation among NBF member manufacturers, suppliers and supporting retailers.

Retailers that predominantly stock NBF-approved member brands can enter one of four categories: Small NBF Retail Champion of the Year, for retailers with four stores or fewer; Large NBF Retail Champion of the Year, for retailers with five to 20 stores; National Bed Retailer of the Year, for businesses with more than 20 stores; and Online Bed Retailer of the Year, where at least 80% of the sales are via the internet.

To recognise achievements and innovations at a company level, NBF members can enter the Bed Manufacturer of the Year and Supplier of the Year awards. The Bed Product of the Year and Component Product of the Year categories have a later deadline of 6th September.

NBF executive director Tristine Hargreaves says: "Winning an award sets you apart from your competitors and is an excellent opportunity to raise your company profile and highlight your achievements from the past year.”

The NBF will unveil a shortlist of the retailer awards before announcing all the winners at the Bed Show Gala Dinner and awards ceremony on Tuesday 24th September.

The awards are free to enter, and all entries are submitted online. Find further details, including the criteria and entry deadlines, here.


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