09 February 2025, 21:17
By Furniture News Nov 27, 2014

Lectures, tours and displays to provide inspiration at Heimtextil

Sustainability is one of the major topics among current trends in the furnishings and textile sector. Heimtextil will be devoting itself to the whole issue of sustainability, with inspiring special displays and interesting events.

Olaf Schmidt, vice president for Textiles & Textile Technologies, believes that Messe Frankfurt has a special obligation with respect to sustainability: “As organisers of the world’s leading trade fair for home textiles, our aim is to strengthen the market for green textiles and to provide orientation and new impulses. Therefore, Heimtextil offers a forum for companies committed to sustainability, puts the focus on products that conserve resources and holds a complementary programme of events within the framework of the fair. Because we believe the future belongs to the green market.”

Green Directory – suppliers of sustainable home and interior textiles
The Green Directory contains an overview of all exhibitors at the show who espouse the cause of sustainable working practices. It is a service offered free of charge for visitors and exhibitors at Heimtextil and copies will be made available for people to take away at several locations throughout the Exhibition Centre. As well as the Green Directory, the eco symbols on the stands of certificated exhibitors provide practical help for visitors in finding those products that have been manufactured to ecological and social standards, together with their manufacturers.

Green Village - a centre of excellence for sustainability
At Heimtextil, there will, for the first time, be a platform dedicated to the bodies who award seals of approval and quality marks, to certification organisations and interest groups relating to sustainability issues. Heimtextil has recognised, from an early stage, the importance of the constantly growing trend towards sustainable and socially responsible production of home textiles, furnishing fabrics and contract textiles. With the Green Village in Galleria 1, it has taken things one step further and extended the existing range of displays on this theme by an extra rendezvous point, at which visitors can get even more information. They will also, moreover, get professional advice here on sustainability issues directly from experts in the field.

Sustainability in the Theme Park
The Theme Park is becoming the new, central, inspirational forum at the forthcoming Heimtextil. In Hall 4.0, this unique area offers space for a comprehensive display relating to the themes and issues that are becoming relevant to the sector of tomorrow. At the same time, the Theme Park will focus attention on design-oriented, contemporary aspects. In this context, sustainability is an essential component. On the first three days of the trade fair, Irene Vermeulen, designer and trend expert from the Netherlands, will be giving guided tours of the Theme Park, focusing specifically on issues of sustainability. Within the framework of this tour, interested visitors can see how sustainability is linked with the issue of experience, exactly what the three eco-symbols at Heimtextil stand for and, moreover, get to see some concrete examples of selected sustainable materials. The tours will take place on 14th to 16th January at 11:30am each day in the Theme Park, Hall 4.0. On 16 January at 1pm, Irene will give a lecture in the Theme Park on the subject of trends in sustainable home textiles. The guided tour and the lectures will be in English.

Young Creations Award: Upcycling
Also established in the sustainability section is the Young Creations Award: Upcycling aimed at the new blood in the sector. In 2015, it will be offered for the first time Europe-wide. The award honours the best works of up and coming international designers. It shines the spotlight on issues relating to textiles, sustainability and design. At the same time, there will be greater emphasis than ever before on the textile properties of the projects: at least 30% of the materials used must be textile-based. In contrast to recycling, upcycling has, as its goal, the creation of higher value products from waste materials. With this competition, Heimtextil is seeking to support the young designers of tomorrow and, at the same time, reflects an innovative current in the field of interiors, which showcases the, as yet, untapped potential of sustainable materials' supply and production. A selection of the most creative interior design products will be on display in Hall 4.2.

Sustainability Friday has a colourful programme of lectures
The 16 January, the Friday of the show, is to be Sustainability Friday in Lecture Square in Galleria 1. All the items on the programme for the day revolve around sustainability. Under the chairmanship of freelance sustainability expert and author, Simon Ferrigno, the lectures and discussion groups offered by high-calibre representatives of the sector will foster consideration of sustainability, social standards and corporate social responsibility.

Green Tour – guided tour of the trade fair to sustainable exhibitors
On Thursday 15 January at 3pm, Heimtextil visitors will have the opportunity to take part in a Green Tour around the show. Max Gilgenmann, consultant for sustainability in the textile and fashion industry, will guide participants to selected suppliers of sustainably produced textiles.
In doing so, he will offer insights into the latest trends and market developments in this segment. The Green Tour begins in the community area of the Theme Park in Hall 4.0.

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