08 September 2024, 00:30
By Furniture News Mar 17, 2015

MD of Swanglen to retire

Martin Allen, MD of Airsprung Group's headboard division, Swanglen, is set to retire at the end of March.

Martin joined Swanglen as operations director 23 years ago and in that time has been responsible for the complete overhaul and modernisation of the business. The key improvements are the introduction of new technology, working methods and quality procedures.

What Martin is most proud of, however, is the Swanglen team, as he explains: "I have been asked what I would miss most and the answer is simple – it's the people. Both the fantastic team we have built here and the wonderful customers I have worked with over 25 years."

National sales manager, Nick Gigg, will be responsible for customer accounts and sales from next month. "Nick has already built a great rapport with our customer base and I am delighted they will be in such good hands," Martin says. He is also confident about the future for Swanglen, adding: "We have an exciting pipeline of products which the team will be launching over the next 12 months and I shall be watching their progress with great interest."

Tony Lisanti, CEO of Airsprung Group, adds: "I would like to thank Martin for his hard work and dedication to Swanglen and wish him all the very best in the future. Although, knowing Martin's passion for renovating and riding motorcycles, I think it's going to be far from a sedate retirement."

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