12 March 2025, 04:36
By Furniture News Dec 04, 2015

New outdoor furniture standard introduced

FIRA has announced the publication of a new European standard for outdoor seating, BS EN 581-2: 2015 Outdoor furniture - Seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract use, Part 2: Mechanical safety requirements and test methods for seating.

The new revised standard replaces the previous 2009 edition with immediate effect. As the title suggests, the standard has requirements for outdoor seating used in the home, in commercial environments and lightweight camping/fishing seating.

The majority of the changes in the new standard are simply updated references to the latest test method standard (BS EN 1728: 2012) and as such should not affect the ability of product currently on the market complying to the new standard.

Where a significant change has been implemented is in the way loungers are dealt with. Requirements are no longer in a separate annex, but within the main body of the standard, and some keep requirements, such as rearwards stability, have been added.

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