27 July 2024, 01:05
By Furniture News Jul 22, 2016

Plentiful rebookings for Manchester show

Manchester Furniture Show concluded on Tuesday, and saw just under 5000 visitors treated to a plethora of new designs from well-established brands and younger companies.

Westbridge, Baker, Furmanac, Rauch, Gallery Direct, Whitemeadow, Nolte, and Furniture Origins were amongst those who reported better than expected sales at the three-day event, and all have confirmed they will be showing next year. The organiser reports that at the show’s close rebookings means that over half of the exhibition space for next year has been taken already.

Business development director at Gallery, James Hudson, comments: “The open space feel worked well for Gallery. Ranges launched in January were viewed with fresh eyes which resulted in good orders – in fact we took far more orders than last year and we are delighted.”

James Stevenson, Baker’s sales director, says: “Our new product has been really well received, we’ve had really good orders and we will be back next year.”

Despite an M6 closure on the Monday of the show which resulted in many buyers being delayed or altering their plans, visitor numbers were very slightly higher than those in 2015, reports the organiser.

Next year's event returns to Manchester Central from 16-18th July. See September's Furniture News for a full report.

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