27 July 2024, 01:17
By Furniture News Jun 17, 2019

Recticel seats achieve FIRA Gold approval

Recticel, one of the world’s largest flexible polyurethane foam manufacturers, has received a further two FIRA Gold certifications, for its Foamflex Comfort and Foamflex Reversible seats.

The new certifications follow FIRA Gold attained for Recticel’s Foamflex Cushion Foam and Foamflex Cushion Slim in 2016, and for Aurora Seating in 2016.

To achieve FIRA Gold, a product (or installation service) is assessed against specified performance levels through rigorous tests. As part of this testing by FIRA International, the Foamflex Reversible and Comfort seat cushions were subject to a constant load-pounding test over 80,000 cycles of 750 newtons. Post-test the foams were was measured for any loss of hardness and thickness against the original sample. The results demonstrated that the foams were classified as ‘severe’ rating, making them suitable for all domestic use, for private and commercial vehicle seats and for cinema armrests.

In addition, the Foamflex Reversible and Comfort Foams also passed Schedule 1 Part 1 testing under the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988 (as amended).

Recticel also underwent a factory audit conducted by FIRA International to ensure all processes and procedures involved with the manufacture of Foamflex Cushion Foams were compliant.

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