The Furniture Industry Research Association has published a new guide, Brexit – the importance of planning ahead.
While the information is applicable to all across the furniture sector, it may be of particular use to SMEs which may not have the resources to secure key information independently, states the association.
The guide is an updated version and an amalgamation of various updates which were published on the FIRA website following the Furniture Industry Research Association’s attendance at Government’s Business Readiness Panel meetings.
Author Suzie Radcliffe-Hart, technical manager at FIRA International (the service provider to the Furniture Industry Research Association), says: “The aim of the updated guide is to ensure all the latest information is easily accessible and searchable within one source, helping members find what they based on the needs of their role or type of business.
“Due to the current political climate, Brexit discussions have stalled. It’s difficult to guestimate what guise Brexit will take when a new Prime Minister is in place and talks resume. When Government meetings are reinstated we will once again be in attendance to garner details for members to ensure they are being supported through knowledge in the event of a deal or no-deal Brexit.”
The content includes step-by-step guides to importing and also exporting, what to expect on day one of a no-deal scenario, apprenticeships, an employer toolkit, temporary rates of customs duty on imports after an EU exit, preparing for a no-deal exit, importing, exporting and transporting products or goods after Brexit, trading goods regulated under the New Approach framework, trading timber - imports and exports – if there is no Brexit deal, and regulating chemicals (REACH) if there is no deal.
The 64-page guide is freely available to members of the Furniture Industry Research Association here.
Organisations interested in joining the Furniture Industry Research Association should follow this link.