08 September 2024, 01:12
By Furniture News Aug 18, 2021

Research association publishes new support documents

The latest project for members of the Furniture Industry Research Association is a suite of business support documents and templates. Covering a broad range of topics including carbon footprinting (Scope 1&2), UKCA Marking, Biocides and Modern Slavery, the suite is designed to support members in being compliant with various regulations.

The full suite of documents and templates were authored by Bruce Lovell, consultant at FIRA International (the service provider to the research association).

He says: “Supporting members is at the core of the Furniture Industry Research Association, and this is a new direction in support which we’ve been working on, very much based across various areas which members look to us on guidance for. When designing the suite I had the full membership in mind, so those smaller organisations can rely on the templates to work to compliance, whilst our larger members, who may have compliance and quality departments, can use the documents as a benchmark to ensure the right steps and up-to-date templates are in place.

“If members feel they would benefit from further support documents and templates which are not incorporated into this first suite release then I would like to hear from them via [email protected].”

The various templates are available to members of the Furniture Industry Research Association here. Non-members can purchase copies at a cost ranging from £40-£80 per document – full details are available via [email protected].

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