14 March 2025, 08:13
By Furniture News Feb 06, 2018

Roadshow precedes Indonesian exhibition

The Indonesia Furniture Industry and Craft Association (HIMKI) is currently putting the final touches to its annual B2B furniture and craft exhibition in Indonesia and in the region, Indonesia International Furniture Expo (IFEX) 2018.

As part of its initial preparation, the association conducted a roadshow to several cities in the country – namely Jakarta, Cirebon, Bandung, Jepara, Semarang, Solo, Jogjakarta, Surabaya, and Bali.

The objective of the roadshow was to inform furniture and craft industry players about IFEX 2018 and to invite them to participate in the exhibition. In each city, the roadshow was attended by hundreds of participants of the members of HIMKI, who expressed their commitment to support the success of the show.

“Through this roadshow we want to inform our members on the progress of the preparation, in terms of completed and ongoing preparations, to ensure the success of IFEX 2018. We greatly hope our members in these cities, and other cities in Indonesia, will be able to join and give positive support for IFEX 2018,” said Soenoto, HIMKI chairman.

Indonesia is known as world’s largest producer of rattan raw materials, with several rattan industry centres in various regions, and, according to Soenoto, must leverage this advantage so it can continue to demonstrate the quality of its products to the international market.

IFEX 2018 will take place from 9-12th March at the Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo), Jakarta. Last year, it attracted 11,225 buyers, and HIMKI expects 12,500 to attend this year. 

“If we can fulfil the international buyers’ expectations, in terms of the quality and range of products, the comfort and ease of the venue, including accommodation and others, they will be satisfied. And if they are satisfied, we hope they become regular visitors and even help us to promote the event through the power of word of mouth,” concludes Soenoto.

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