22 September 2024, 04:28
By Furniture News Oct 11, 2022

Sales volumes continue to fall, says BRC-KPMG

The latest BRC-KPMG REtail Sales Monitor suggests that, on a total basis, sales increased by +2.2% in September, against an increase of +0.6% in September 2021.

UK retail sales increased +1.8% on a LFL basis from September 2021, when they had decreased by -0.6%.

Online non-food sales decreased by -2.6% in September, against a decline of -7.3% in September 2021. 

The non-food online penetration rate decreased to 38.4% in September from 40.5% at the same point last year.

Helen Dickinson OBE, BRC chief executive, says: “While UK retail sales grew in September, this represented another month of falling sales volumes given high levels of inflation. As consumer confidence continued to fall, people shopped cautiously, avoiding large-ticket items such as new computers, TVs and furniture. Many households are also preparing for higher energy costs this winter, with blankets, warm clothing, and energy-efficient appliances, such as air dryers and air fryers, all selling well.

“A difficult winter looms for both retailers and consumers. Costs are increasing throughout retailers’ supply chain, the pound remains weak, interest rates are rising, and a tight labour market is pushing up the cost of hiring. All of this is making it harder for retailers to reduce prices and help struggling households."

As a category, furniture was ranked 8th of 12 in September, up from 12th in August and from 11th YoY – yet sales were down nonetheless.

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