17 February 2025, 11:11
By Furniture News May 22, 2014

Second flammability workshop to present results

Following a workshop on upholstered furniture flammability which took place in April as part of the BFM's partnership with FIRA (which saw 50 delegates in attendance), FIRA will present the results of tests it has recently undertaken using the proposed new match test on Monday 16th June at FIRA's headquarters in Stevenage.

The testing exercises have been carried out because the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) is to propose the following changes to the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988 (ffrs): New match test for cover fabrics to be undertaken over either combustion-modified foam with fibre wrap or; combustion-modified foam only, not non-fire retardant polyurethane foam as with the current test; and removal of the need to perform the cigarette test on fabrics which pass the match test, and for invisible linings.

The workshop will attempt to address concerns that have been aired – including by the British Furniture Confederation (BFC) - that at present there is inadequate proof of the new test's efficacy and workability. Concerns too have been expressed over costs. The public consultation on the proposed change by BIS will be launched in approximately four weeks, so this will be good timing for delegates to receive this information, and will hopefully then assist them in responding to the consultation.

The workshop will take place from 10.30 to 14.00, and lunch will be provided. Call 01494 523021 for details.

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