16 September 2024, 20:07
By Furniture News Apr 27, 2023

Tetrad joins Long Eaton show in newly available showroom space

Tetrad will join the line-up at next month's Long Point show, taking place in Long Eaton from 9-11th May.

The last-minute addition to the show roster will be present in the ground floor space of the former Wade Furniture showrooms in Wellington Street – an exhibition centre featuring four well-appointed showrooms, which has become available to businesses wishing to have a presence in the town.

"Showroom space within the town has been at a premium for a number of years, and, on rare occasions when a showroom becomes vacant, it is quickly taken," says Andrew Mitchell, chair of the Long Eaton Guild of Furniture Manufacturers, which organises the biannual Long Point exhibition.

The centre will officially open for September's Long Point show, and the guild is inviting companies interested in occupying the space to view it by appointment from 15-19th May.

For further information or to make a reservation to view, contact Andrew by emailing [email protected] (and copy in or Chris Carson on [email protected]).

See May's issue of Furniture News for a full Long Point preview.

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