11 March 2025, 19:37
By Sponsored Nov 10, 2022

FORTE puts eco-friendly development front and centre

Furniture supplier FORTE believes that, "to change the world, we must act together and try to build knowledge, sensitivity and a sense of responsibility for the natural environment".

To this end, its employees participate in training sessions in the field of waste segregation, and a comprehensive system of selective waste collection, produced in FORTE'S individual factories.

The business organises competitions on ecology, and we joins national (Polish) and worldwide campaigns promoting it.

In FORTE'S staff nurseries, children are taught to respect nature from an early age. They grow and care for the plants in mini-greenhouses, have lessons on waste segregation and preparing healthy dishes, and meet with ecologists and foresters to better understand their natural environment.

"As part of our ongoing environmental education, together with a team of beekeeping enthusiasts from our company, we have also created the Bee FORTE project," sates the supplier. "Its purpose is to protect bees and promote biodiversity.

"Our beekeeping community is growing, and the project is gaining followers. As part of Bee FORTE, we have established flower meadows in all factories, with a total area of nearly two hectares. Plants (including varieties facing extinction) grow there, and are home to pollinating insects and other animals.

"We also organise educational meetings with beekeeping experts, and our employees produce vlogs and blogs on beekeeping topics and the benefits of honey. Finally, we organise workshops and competitions to promote biodiversity.

"The challenges of climate change, social and economic problems reinforce our belief that the path of sustainable development - with ambitious goals of creating partnerships to enhance sustainable development - is the only way," FORTE concludes. "We believe that business today has a choice – to be part of the problem, or part of the solution.

"For us, the choice is obvious. Sustainable development is advancement that meets the needs of today's generation without jeopardising the opportunities of future generations."

To find out more about FORTE and its product offer, contact the UK sales team on 0151 559 0675, or email [email protected].

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