27 July 2024, 05:20
By Furniture News Jan 19, 2024

Is your furniture business relevant to younger consumers?

They say age is just a state of mind – but for retailers it’s a defining customer feature, and one that’s easy to overlook as time goes by. The bulk of your sales might go to over-50s today, but what of tomorrow? How will you ensure you remain relevant to younger consumers as their spending power grows? Paul Farley investigates, in January's Furniture News …

What does your offer mean to Millennials? And are you looking ahead to Gen Z?

Consumers have more choice than ever, their tastes and shopping habits continually evolving, and their buying power growing. With today’s younger consumers frequently defined by their high expectations, pragmatism and digital confidence, what is your business doing to stay in front of them? 

In this month's lead feature, alongside opinion pieces from seasoned professionals, you’ll find accounts from retailers, suppliers, and everything in between, describing what their business is doing to meet the demands of younger customers. 

Read it here.

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