24 October 2024, 18:22
By Furniture News Jan 25, 2024

February's issue: Contingency planning

It seems that instability is a constant – but how much resilience should you build into your business?

Houthi rebel attacks on shipping vessels in the Red Sea are threatening to impact anyone importing furniture from the East, but it’s just one example of the fragility of the global economy. What about the potential for disaster closer to home? Or within your business itself?

This month we’re tackling the issue of contingency planning, and why it’s important to anticipate eventualities such as floods, fires, system failure and worse. Our latest eco-conscious feature shares a few views on truly long-term resilience, plus we’re exploring the drivers, nuances and solutions for customers making distress purchases.

You’ll also find interviews with Steve Adams (Mattress Online), Mark Gannon (Image Furnishings) and Natalie Cole (the new Apprentice & Skills Plus Service), while our cover story outlines the inaugural Furniture Component Expo, coming to Telford this April.

You can never know for sure what’s around the corner, but to be informed is to be prepared – so read on!

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