13 March 2025, 18:07
By Furniture News May 28, 2018

Is differentiation the key to meeting demand?

“I see a market that is huge even if it contracts, and I see a way to exceed the way it delivers the shopping experience, differentiate ourselves and do a better job for customers.”

That’s a quote from Sofology founder Jason Tyldesley, who spoke to Furniture News late last year, on the eve of DFS’ acquisition of his pioneering upholstery brand.

Jason’s blueprint sums up the complex marriage of opportunity and challenge facing today’s furniture market pretty well – and while not every business has the ability to invest in cutting-edge technology, a commission-free selling model or celebrity endorsements, they do have the power to set themselves apart, and offer their customers something they simply can’t find anywhere else.

Yes, we live in an age in which it’s impossible to proof ourselves against every political uncertainty, in which disruptive start-ups can explode onto the scene as quickly as familiar friends fade away, and emerging channels threaten to derail our established routes to market. 

But despite the seemingly inexorable changes taking place in retail, the core tenets of the trade hold firm. More than ever, the customer is king – and they’re more discerning than ever when it comes to choosing how they spend their money and time. “We are shopkeepers first and foremost,” affirms Jason, “and we’re just trying to make sure our customers can find what they need.”

Simple, right?

‘Differentiation’ seems to be the watchword for a growing number of suppliers doing sterling work to develop new product that hits harder, is communicated more effectively, and is priced to please.

Across the board, it’s heartening to see so many of today's suppliers meeting the challenges of today’s retail realities head-on, and offering their customers those all-important solutions for keeping today's customer happy – and spending.

Looking to stand out from the crowd? Take a look at some of the products available – and the events where you can find them.

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