24 October 2024, 18:22
By Jesse Akre Nov 02, 2021

Stop selling in your social channels

How many retailer Facebook pages have you visited recently? How many did you find 'worthy' of your visit? Your time? For some reason, retailers equate the "need for social marketing" with “big sale megaphone”, says RetailSystem's Jesse Akre – and it's a complete disconnect …

It is about expectations. Ask anyone, as they are fixated on their phone, “what are you looking at?” 

Funny cats and awkward fails aside, most answers will be “looking at…”, or some variation of a product research and evaluation effort.

Product information, reviews, testimonials, personal network input, how-to's – the list goes on. However, “the big sale” is not on the list (yet).

Let me ask you - as a consumer – how you feel when you are in a showroom, and the creeper creeps. You know – the salesperson you avoid eye contact with. I bet, like most, you have made evasive tactics a honed skill.

OK, now fast forward. Social media. As a consumer, how would you feel if someone was sitting next to you in the comfort of your own home, or car, or work, or on the bus – saying “sale sale sale”? 

Retailers – look at your social media account. How many times in the last month have you talked about the big sale? Any sale? Any promotion?

Excessive? If you said “only once”, I would shake your hand – if you can also tell me that it is not your only post for the month.

Content is king – useful, thought-provoking content. We’re in a DIY, “flip-it” world. Ever stop to count how many renovation shows are on Netflix and cable and satellite?

Retailers, do you think your social visitors want the big sale all the time? Some of the time? Probably not.

The big sale. Yes, it is OK to talk about the big sales event within your social media efforts. But it is a small sample of your total content library. Also, extra points if your 'sale' also has a social impact – meaning "Big Bed Event – a portion from every purchase goes to the [insert worthy charity]."

Social is part of the growing 'digital must' for retail. It is a must, and must be done right.

Remember, social media is an opportunity for an engaging conversation. It is your responsibility (and opportunity) to make it that!

Jesse is an omnichannel expert who challenges retailers to prioritise their focus and pay attention to what matters most in their business. With over 20 years of ecommerce and tech experience in the home furnishings industry, his background makes him a perfect fit on any omnichannel topic. He is widely regarded as a go-to source on retail technologies and the consumer journey. Jesse is currently global president and COO of RetailSystem, where he leads the efforts of the award-winning, cloud-based PoS provider.

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