What do you think? From emerging trends to the latest business principles, Furniture News is setting out to gauge the trade’s feelings on a variety of industry-specific topics. Today, we’re asking our panel: What business function are you happiest to outsource?
Hamish Mansbridge (Heal’s): Last-mile delivery
Jonathan Creese (Gillies): Specialised digital and/or tradesman work – website construction and joiners. Gillies generally prefer to keep business functions in-house
Phil Gant (PG Agencies): Accountancy, because the tax code was written with ink and quill
Shaun Peel (MattressTek): We outsource the manufacture of some of the more intricate machine parts. It’s more efficient and often cheaper
Ashley Hainsworth (Flair Furniture): Web development
John Tuton (Mammoth): We’re lucky to have found a number of trusted partners through the years, but the cornerstone of that in recent times has been our outsourced finance department, led by our embedded CFO, Steven Robinson. Having the expertise of an accounting firm on hand – with their real-time experiences across a range of industries – has been an important part of shaping our business strategy, forecasts and financial control through turbulent times
Brian McCann (DFI Beds): PPC. Google/Microsoft/Meta are forever updating, so trying to keep up with these is a full-time job in itself
Anthony Joyce (Wolf Components): Auditing, both financial and quality
Darryl Simpson (WJ Aldiss): We try to do as much ourselves as is possible – I feel this gives a better reflection of our brand and our values (plus I’m a control freak!). Some things, however, make more sense to be run by third parties. These include out-of-area deliveries and PPC marketing
Phil Pond (Scarlet Opus): Accountants. They have highly transferable skills
Daryl Drylie (sales agent): My accounts. Much as it costs more money, I definitely see the benefit (and let’s be honest, it’s no fun!)
Holly Yates (French Bedroom): Delivery – it’s a volumes game, and we’d like to stay focused on designing timeless furniture rather than trying to master affordable, efficient and environmentally friendly deliveries. Our customers receive great service by leaving this to the experts
This article featured in the October 2024 issue of Furniture News magazine.