10 March 2025, 08:18
By Furniture News Sept 07, 2020

The Big Question: What keeps you up at night?

What do you think? From emerging trends to the latest business principles, Furniture News is setting out to gauge the trade’s feelings on a variety of industry-specific topics. Today, we’re asking: "What keeps you up at night?" 

Gavin Boden (Rhenus Home Delivery): Thinking about new opportunities

James Hudson (Gallery Direct): My active mind. I seem to be at my most creative at night, so often wake up with a ‘lightbulb moment’

Jerry Cheshire (Surrey Beds): Nothing, I sleep like a log. Although I sometimes dream about old foam mattresses floating in the ocean – it’s my worst nightmare

Mike Murray (Land of Beds): Cyber security and the risk of being hacked by cyber criminals. This is a complex area that needs careful expert consideration, as the impact can be significant to a business and its reputation

Peter Harding (Fairway Furniture): The challenge of marketing independent businesses in the digital age, where large multiple competitors have such scale advantage

Rob Scarlett (Scarlett Furniture & Print): My kids! Seriously though, new designs keep me up if I work too late. I’m like a dog with a bone and can’t let go till I get the idea down on paper properly

Simon Ainge (Kettle Interiors): Ensuring we fulfil the promises made to our customers

Steve Adams (Mattress Online): My circadian rhythm – as a night owl I’m happiest going to bed after midnight. Unfortunately, my work schedule and alarm clock do not agree!

Steve Pickering (Sussex Beds): I generally sleep very well. However, if I do stir early, rather than worries or concerns it would be new ideas and then creative planning that would keep me awake

Thomas Small (TCS): Brexit and the Irish border. As someone who lives on the border and deals with southern Ireland, I can see it being a major problem

Tom Bourne (Select First): Mainly, the bed hopping of my two daughters. By the end of the day and after watching a couple of episodes on Netflix, I’m generally pretty beat

This article featured in the April 2020 edition of Furniture News magazine.

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