09 February 2025, 21:06
By Furniture News Aug 17, 2023

The Big Question: What skills did you pick up during the pandemic? 

What do you think? From emerging trends to the latest business principles, Furniture News is setting out to gauge the trade’s feelings on a variety of industry-specific topics. Today, we’re asking our panel: What skills did you pick up during the pandemic?

Rob Scarlett (Scarlett Design): Ninja-level Zoom skills

Adam Ashborn (Reborn Marketing & Design): Design-led ecommerce website requests made Reborn readjust its business mode from trade show- and showroom-led design to online immersive spaces. We also invested in the latest CGI/3D virtual space/imaging software in 2020, which our customers can take advantage of

Adam Hankinson (Furniture Sales Solutions): In January 2020 I’d never heard of Zoom! Now I’m pretty adept at it. We can now deliver all our training virtually

Mike Murray (Land of Beds): Temporary supply teacher at home! 

Andy Stockwell (Gardiner Haskins): How to manage staff and public safety in a pandemic!

Steve Adams (Mattress Online): I spent time upskilling on my understanding of above-the-line marketing, specifically in relation to linear broadcast TV

Dids Macdonald, OBE (ACID): I was fortunate to be part of a three-year governance review of The Furniture Makers’ Company, which taught me a lot about managing transformation change (for the better!)

Emma Leeke (Leekes Retail): Zoom/Teams expert!

Gavin Boden (Rhenus Home Delivery (UK)): The understanding of a traffic management system, and how important it is to be part of a strong management team

Henrik Pontoppidan (S2U Design Containers): Learning Vietnamese – language, in-depth culture, business practices, business law and history. Fascinating!

Lee Ness (Global Upholstery Solutions): I learned to sew

Peter Harding (Fairway Furniture): Outside of work, I completed training as a volunteer vaccinator, so I was able to play my part in the Covid-19 vaccination programme 

This Q&A was published in the April 2021 issue of Furniture News.

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