08 September 2024, 00:59
By Furniture News Jun 07, 2024

Last chance to vote in the 2024 Readers' Choice Awards

Today (Friday 7th June) is the closing date for this year's Readers' Choice Awards, Furniture News' invitation to the trade to nominate the suppliers and business partners currently leading the pack.

The UK furniture industry is home to a wealth of top-notch suppliers, which strive to deliver the best products and services their customers’ money can buy. At Furniture News, we tip our hat to their efforts – but when it comes to deciding which businesses are really at the top of their game, it’s your call.

Now in their fourth year, the awards have become an important seal of approval from Furniture News' readership, proudly displayed by the winners, far and wide – and voting is easy. Simply go to our online form, and select or nominate your chosen supplier in each category. Encourage the rest of your team, and your customers, to do the same (only one submission per person please, and yes, we do check!) – then keep an eye out for August’s issue, in which we’ll unveil the winners.

Voting closes at midnight.


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