07 September 2024, 14:22
By Furniture News Jul 24, 2024

Management handover at Guardsman

Furniture care and repair specialist Guardsman has announced that its commercial director Lyndon Willshire is retiring, and will be succeeded by its current head of sales and business development, Zeyn Kassam.

"This transition marks a significant moment in our company’s history, as we bid farewell to a cherished leader and welcome a new one with a proven track record of excellence," states Guardsman.

"Lyndon Willshire has been an integral part of our organisation, contributing significantly to our growth and success. His industry expertise, strategic vision and leadership have left an indelible mark on our company. Under his guidance, we have navigated numerous challenges and seized many opportunities, always emerging stronger and more resilient.

"Lyndon's tenure has been characterised by his unwavering commitment to our values and his ability to foster a collaborative and inclusive environment. His passion for excellence and his deep understanding of the industry have inspired all of us. As he embarks on his well-deserved retirement, we extend our heartfelt thanks and best wishes for the future. Lyndon will be remembered as a cornerstone of our company’s success story.

"As we celebrate Lyndon’s legacy, we are equally thrilled to welcome Zeyn Kassam as our new commercial director. Zeyn brings over a decade of experience within the Guardsman sales department, where he has most recently served as head of sales and business development. His journey within our company has been marked by outstanding achievements, innovative thinking, and a relentless drive to excel.

"Zeyn’s internal promotion is a testament to his hard work, dedication and successes he has bought to our organisation. His deep knowledge of our products, market and customers, combined with his strategic acumen, make him the ideal leader to take our sales department forward.

"We are confident that, under Zeyn’s leadership, we will continue with our commitment to service excellence and growth. We are excited about the fresh perspectives and new ideas that Zeyn will bring to his role, building on the strong foundation laid by Lyndon.

"We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Lyndon Willshire for his exceptional service and leadership. We also congratulate Zeyn Kassam as he steps into his new role. Here’s to the next chapter of our journey, filled with promise and potential."


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