The Romanian furniture industry of today has been shaped as much by current demands as it has by its long history of woodworking craftsmanship.…
The retailer/supplier relationship has always been an important aspect for fitted bedroom and home office manufacturer and supplier Hepplewhite…
One-stop supplier Coach House is renowned for the breadth of its portfolio – a range that only seems to grow in appeal each year. Established 30…
Roughly translated as 'teak city', the French-Indonesian PT Kota Jati Furindo company works with FSC-accredited teak and oak, as well as…
Singapore's key furniture event certainly covers a lot of ground. Each March, it's the locus of the International Furniture Fair Singapore…
Singapore's Villa Francaise offers a branded mix of colonial, modern and classic furniture - respectively the W.H. Preston, Linoti and Atelier…
As well as a wealth of exhibitors and attractive displays, this year’s Interiors UK benefited from a number of special features designed to add…
According to FIRA’s research, Malaysian imports to the UK accounted for roughly 2% of the total in 2011. Malaysia’s oak furniture contribution…
imm cologne is widely acknowledged as the leading fair of its type worldwide. It may not boast quite the volume or level of design innovation of…
Highgrove Beds was established in 2001 in a small manufacturing unit in Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury, with a total workforce of just 10 team members.…
Over the last 20 years, the UK’s soft upholstery manufacturing industry has changed significantly. These days, ready-made covers are imported,…
Trade between Russia and the UK is relatively low – according to FIRA’s recent Statistical Digest, exports to Russia comprised only around 2% of…
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