25 September 2024, 15:19



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May 20, 2019 News

Northpoint organiser considers spring relocation

The representatives and agents behind Scotland's Northpoint Show, traditionally held in late January, have indicated that the regional sourcing…

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May 20, 2019 News

Scottish industry charity appoints new president

Scottish industry charity, the Scottish Furniture Trades Benevolent Association (SFTBA), has appointed a new president – Sterling…

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May 17, 2019 News

Premier Housewares unveils new showroom

Interior products supplier Premier Housewares has opened a new 25,000 sqft showroom in Glasgow, which will house the latest luxury furniture and…

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May 17, 2019 News

FIESTA conference reinforces need for industry training

“Companies in industry must use UK training providers or risk losing them.” That was the warning Gary Baker, Furniture and Interiors Education,…

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May 16, 2019 News

NBF membership to encompass social and ethical compliance

The National Bed Federation (NBF) is to extend its Code of Practice to cover social and ethical compliance. In an vote at last week’s forum and…

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May 16, 2019 News

Design icon receives Lifetime Achievement Award 

Sir Terence Conran, one of the world's best-known designers, retailers and restaurateurs, has been given a Lifetime Achievement Award by The…

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May 16, 2019 News

John Lewis Partnership amends staff pension scheme

Following a year-long review and consultation with its staff, the John Lewis Partnership Council - a body made up of 58 representatives - has…

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May 15, 2019 News

Bensons and Harveys celebrate ongoing charity donation

Gathered via ongoing campaigns, Harveys and Bensons for Beds have raised a total of £8.7m for the British Heart Foundation. Having first started…

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May 15, 2019 News

Dids Macdonald installed as charity master

Dids Macdonald OBE, CEO of the design and intellectual property membership and campaigning organisation Anti Copying in Design (ACID), was last…

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May 15, 2019 News

Queen tribute and radio presenter to enliven industry dinner

Visitors to this year's NBF Bed Show will have an opportunity to celebrate the event's 10th anniversary in style at its annual Gala Dinner and…

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May 13, 2019 News

Vacancies rise and footfall falls short in April

Town centre vacancy rates rose to their highest level in four years in April, according to the latest BRC-Springboard Footfall and Vacancies…

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May 10, 2019 News

Debenhams' creditors support CVA proposals

Debenhams has confirmed that its creditors have approved the CVA proposals presented by Debenhams Retail and Debenhams Properties as announced…

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