25 September 2024, 06:24



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Dec 06, 2016 News

Kindred Living chief executive honoured with Hero Award

Blood Sweat & Gears, the team of endurance cyclists spearheaded by Mark Stephenson, Kindred Living and The Danesmoor Group’s chief executive,…

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Dec 06, 2016 News

Nathan partners with Elano on new seating

A new partnership has been unveiled between Nathan Furniture and Elano AS Norway, supplier of Sitbest. The partnership has been created to…

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Dec 05, 2016 News

Sealy teams up with gold medal champion

Bed brand Sealy UK has teamed up with former British Jamaican and Olympic champion, Linford Christie OBE, to help aid his intense coaching…

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Dec 05, 2016 News

Eunomia to lead research that drives circularity across EU furniture supply chain

Environmental consultancy Eunomia has been commissioned by the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) to undertake research that looks at the…

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Dec 05, 2016 News

Lectra seminar suggests competitive advantages

Lectra, a world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite…

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Dec 02, 2016 News

Vinnie Jones to attend furniture show

The January Furniture Show is set to be a star-studded event, with appearances from a film star and a Manchester United player. Footballer and…

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Dec 01, 2016 News

JYSK Group sets a new sales record

In spite of generally decreasing or stagnant sales of furniture and interior decorating articles in many countries across the world, JYSK…

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Dec 01, 2016 News

BFC publishes 2017 manifesto

The British Furniture Confederation (BFC), the UK's furniture industry's representative body which seeks to ensure all Government policies and…

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Nov 30, 2016 News

Relyon rolls out new display stands

British bed manufacturer Relyon is regaining its position in the luxury natural pocket sprung market with its new display system. Relyon has…

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Nov 30, 2016 News

Footfall levels fall during Black Friday

As predicted, UK retail footfall fell on Black Friday as shoppers shelved the high street and turned to online sales. The UK Retail Traffic…

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Nov 30, 2016 News

Lack of sleep costing UK economy up to £40b a year

A lack of sleep among the UK working population is costing the economy up to £40b a year – equating to 1.86% of the country’s GDP – according to…

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Nov 30, 2016 News

Consumer Confidence Index drops five points

GfK’s long-running Consumer Confidence Index decreased by five points this month to -8, reflecting growing fears about the economy in the coming…

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