13 February 2025, 22:58
By Furniture News May 23, 2024

NBF appoints first female president

The National Bed Federation (NBF) has appointed its first female president following the election at its AGM this month.

Tean Dallaway, CEO of Airsprung Furniture Group, has stepped up from her position as NBF VP, manufacturers, taking over from Jim Gerety, MD of Vispring, who has served two years as NBF president.

Mike Holmes, MD of Leggett & Platt (Kayfoam Woolfson/Kaymed), has been appointed as the NBF treasurer, a position Tean has held since 2009.

“It is an honour to have been asked to serve as the president of the NBF," says Tean, who has contributed to the board for 15 years. "The NBF plays a vital role in championing the interests of the British and Irish bedmaking industry, which not only provides employment to a substantial workforce but also supports a crucial supply chain.

“As the first female president of the NBF, I am proud to represent the growing diversity of leadership within our industry. I see this as an opportunity to inspire others and pave the way for greater inclusion and representation."

Tean has worked for Airsprung for 30 years, the last 20 years as the group FD. Before arriving there, she trained as a chartered accountant with Price Waterhouse.

Simon Green, MD of CPS Group, remains VP, suppliers.

At the AGM, members also voted on the re-election of Shire Beds' Fara Butt and Simon Green to the NBF council.

Pictured: Tean receiving her president’s medallion, alongside Jim Gerety with his ex-president’s badge, and NBF executive director Tristine Hargreaves, at the NBF Spring Forum on 16th May


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