23 September 2024, 14:19



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Dec 04, 2015 News

BFM contributes to inclusion programme for the disabled

The BFM is part of an industry consortium that manages Working Tri21, an EU-funded project which aims to enhance the social inclusion of people…

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Dec 04, 2015 News

Sealy UK records best month of sales to date

Mattress brand Sealy UK has reported that October was the busiest month in the company's 41-year history, with over 1000 of its Which? Best Buy…

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Dec 04, 2015 News

Biggest sales week ever for John Lewis

Last week saw trade fuelled by Black Friday and price matching of competitor events at John Lewis, resulting in the retailer's biggest ever week…

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Dec 02, 2015 News

Shop price deflation falls to joint record low in November

Shop price deflation fell to a joint record low in November, retailers reporting deflation of 2.1% in November from a 1.8% decline in October,…

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Dec 01, 2015 News

Read the December issue today!

In the final issue of 2015, Furniture News looks ahead to next year's events in Showtime – plus Malaysia's MIFF event in focus – and back at…

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Dec 01, 2015 News

UK becomes Natuzzi's second-largest market

Natuzzi Group has posted a revenue increase of 3.1% for Q3 2015, and points out double-digit growth in the UK, making it the company's…

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Dec 01, 2015 News

Jysk owner sponsors children's charity

The Lars Larsen-owned retail chains Jysk, IDEmøbler, Ilva and SengeSpecialisten have become the main sponsor of the Danish NGO, Save the…

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Dec 01, 2015 News

SATRA doubles size of chemical lab

SATRA's Chemical and Analytical Technology (CAT) laboratory has doubled in size to meet the growing demand for permeation testing. The…

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Dec 01, 2015 News

Dreamworks wins AIS award for fourth year

Bed manufacturer Dreamworks Beds, now owned by Gallery Direct, has won the buying group accolade AIS Gold Standard Award, for the fourth year in…

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Nov 30, 2015 News

CBI reacts to Comprehensive Spending Review and Autumn Statement

The CBI has responded to the Comprehensive Spending Review and the Autumn Statement, given by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to the House of…

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Nov 30, 2015 News

Allermuir opens new showroom in Clerkenwell

Allermuir has announced the opening of its latest showroom which will be in the heart of London’s design capital, Clerkenwell. True to the…

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Nov 30, 2015 News

Ipsos records marginal Black Friday footfall increase

According to global retail and footfall consultant Ipsos Retail Performance, UK retail footfall on Black Friday was up +0.3% on 2014, as…

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