30 September 2024, 14:26
By Furniture News Sept 30, 2024

October's issue: Reassessing reuse

With today’s greener (and often leaner) consumer increasingly likely to seek out secondhand product, we’re exploring furniture reuse in October’s issue, looking at how retailers are testing the waste-reduction waters, and sharing viewpoints from the industry.

Whether you view ‘greener’ directions as threats or opportunities, there’s added food for thought courtesy of sustainability consultant Richard Naylor and shipping COO Francis Goh, plus a Q&A with Design Conformity’s Katryn Furmston.

Elsewhere, you’ll find Nick Bianchi’s reaction to the family business reaching 170, Suzanne Macleod’s explanation of how Sourcebynet wants to reshape the children’s furniture market, and trend forecaster Phil Pond’s personal take on business.

Meanwhile, Gordon Hecht shares his hottest sales tips, Adam Hankinson suggests how retailers can overcome the post-promotion lull, Bill McLoughlin explains why ‘value proposition’ needs to be reassessed, Steve Pickering reveals how his team overcame tension by opening up, and our Feedback panellists single out the business function they’re happiest to outsource.

Read it here.


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February's issue: Contingency planning

It seems that instability is a constant – but how much resilience should you build into your business? Houthi rebel attacks on shipping vessels…

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September's issue: Sell me this pen

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