20 September 2024, 05:34



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Nov 02, 2021 Resources

Stop selling in your social channels

How many retailer Facebook pages have you visited recently? How many did you find 'worthy' of your visit? Your time? For some reason, retailers…

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Oct 27, 2021 Resources

November's issue: long-term solutions

As various industries experience acute labour shortages, November’s Furniture News highlights a business that’s putting staff retention at the…

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Oct 22, 2021 Resources

Why salespeople deserve more recognition

Industry consultant Gordon Hecht asks why there’s so little recognition for the hard-working and multi-talented retail salespeople of the…

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Oct 11, 2021 Resources

Right to retail? The ethics of pandemic marketing

Business direction is never black and white. When faced with punishing trading restrictions through successive lockdowns, retailers have been…

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Oct 11, 2021 Resources

When sales reps go self-employed

With the increase of national insurance contributions (NICs), some businesses with employed sales representatives will be looking at the…

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Oct 05, 2021 Resources

Have you merchandised your website?

Upon entering a store, customers are typically greeted by a curated, well-balanced display – so why do so many retailers ignore how their…

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Sept 30, 2021 Resources

October's issue: D2C directions

Riding the ecommerce wave, the past decade has seen the rise and rise of direct to consumer (D2C) selling, with some of the furniture sector’s…

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Sept 27, 2021 Resources

Retail approaches – hit and myths

Those businesses which have survived the pandemic thus far have learned that you’re never too old to learn new tricks. In this column, US bed…

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Sept 27, 2021 Resources

The evolving furniture care and repair sector

From home visits to over-the-counter sales, furniture care and repair specialists fulfil an important role in the industry, offering purchasers…

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Aug 27, 2021 Resources

September's issue: reinvention and repair

With more consumers looking to ‘make do and mend’, in this issue we meet the care and repair specialists seeing huge demand for their services,…

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Aug 27, 2021 Resources

The essential bed industry supplement

The UK bed trade is finally coming together again, and, as this year’s Bed Buyer supplement proves, it’s made good use of its time. We present a…

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Aug 25, 2021 Resources

Contractual issues arising from delayed deliveries

It’s a given that the timely delivery of goods is important for the performance of many contracts. But do contracting parties ever give thought…

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