20 September 2024, 07:51



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Apr 01, 2021 Resources

The biggest mistake a salesperson can make

What’s the biggest mistake a salesperson can make? Failing to overcome customer objections can be costly, so it’s crucial to make sure all the…

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Mar 26, 2021 Resources

April's issue: lines of communication

With 12th April approaching and stores preparing to welcome customers through the doors once again, April's issue shares tips on training and…

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Mar 22, 2021 Resources

Marketing and morality

Did the retailers that chose to put their own spin on the Government’s lockdown guidance really weigh up their options – and the potential…

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Mar 15, 2021 Resources

How can help technology help furniture retailers overcome today’s challenges?

With ecommerce demand going through the roof against a backdrop of enforced store closures, the need to embrace technology has never been…

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Mar 08, 2021 Resources

How salespeople can build customer trust and loyalty 

With the sales profession suffering from a less-than-rosy image, it’s crucial to take the appropriate steps to establish a level of trust with…

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Mar 01, 2021 Resources

Working together: The Furniture Industry Research Association

With Covid-19 creating demand for new home-working solutions, the Furniture Industry Research Association’s experts have been busy helping the…

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Feb 25, 2021 Resources

March's issue – processes and people

The March 2021 issue of Furniture News is available to read online, and features a special focus on retail technology. The UK furniture sector…

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Feb 18, 2021 Resources

Why nobody will visit your virtual exhibition stand

They were the talk of 2020. Virtual events have filled your calendar, and, as a business owner, you’re probably thinking you should get involved…

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Feb 15, 2021 Resources

Branding is coming home

With its tiered restrictions and lockdowns, the pandemic has significantly reduced home furnishing and furniture brands’ opportunities to…

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Feb 05, 2021 Resources

CSIL's global furniture industry outlook

Covid-19 has severely impacted global furniture trade growth – yet recovery is imminent, reports Milan’s Centre for Industrial Studies (CSIL) in…

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Feb 04, 2021 Resources

How retailers can prepare to make up lost ground

With less than a week conducted of the calendar’s biggest trading period (and that’s the lucky ones – Northern Ireland and Wales were already…

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Feb 04, 2021 Resources

Dos Marcos' hybrid theory

When Leggett & Platt’s Mark Quinn and Mark Kinsley saw sprung mattresses falling out of favour with the US consumer, rather than maligning the…

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