20 September 2024, 08:05



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Sept 06, 2019 Resources

Buyer beware!

In August's issue of Furniture News, the NBF’s executive director Jessica Alexander talked about trust, and focused on how the internet appears…

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Aug 28, 2019 Resources

The online sofa sector refuses to sit still

It’s never easy to please Google – especially as the goalposts are constantly moving, writes Salience’s Natalie Took. Each year, the search…

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Aug 20, 2019 Resources

Waste not, want not – the furniture industry's war on plastics

Each year, Furniture News asks some of the UK’s top retailers to share their views on some of the most significant industry developments, and…

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Aug 20, 2019 Resources

One giant leap for product marketing

“That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” It’s been 50 years since Armstrong and Aldrin set foot in the Sea of…

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Aug 06, 2019 Resources

A question of trust

Just recently, BBC director general Sir Tony Hall was widely reported in the press saying that the world is in the grip of the biggest attack on…

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Jul 31, 2019 Resources

The gender agenda

It’s been eight years since I sat as sponsor and judge for the second Women In Furnishing awards. Established by exhibition organiser Theresa…

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Jul 26, 2019 Resources

Upholding fire safety standards in the bed market

Beds or mattresses need to pass ignition resistance tests before manufacturers and suppliers can sell them in the UK, writes SATRA technologist…

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Jul 15, 2019 Resources

How green is your business?

How green is your business? Whether it’s eco-friendly, environmentally safe or ethically manufactured, there’s a bright future for furniture…

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Jul 12, 2019 Resources

Brace for the impact of 5G, warns Orbital

Network technology is evolving. With 5G fast approaching, digital design and CGI agency for the interiors industry, Orbital Vision, warns…

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Jul 12, 2019 Resources

At the heart of industry

In my first rollercoaster month as the second female master of The Furniture Makers’ Company, I can honestly say that the perception of livery…

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Jul 10, 2019 Resources

How useful are intellectual property rights?

The pharmaceutical industry famously relies on patent protection, but is there also a place for intellectual property in the furniture trade? In…

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Jul 04, 2019 Resources

Risk and reward

What dictates the furniture we buy – supply, or demand? In a new report compiled for the second edition of Furniture News’ Connect trade…

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