Sales expert Andy Preston explains that while, given the current economic climate, it can be tempting for employers to look to sharp, quick…
Not a week goes by without another statistic reflecting the growth of e-commerce, says Graham Jones – yet that’s no reason to ignore your…
Customers are becoming far more precise in their shopping habits, and the e-commerce developments made last year only reinforce this fact. The…
Buyer behaviour has changed in recent years, says sales trainer Andy Preston – so retailers and their staff need to embrace the new rules of…
If you haven’t considered using marketplaces as part of your online strategy then you could be missing out on additional revenue and the chance…
Online retailer The Furniture Market commissioned an independent online survey of 2000 adults to explore their buying behaviour and opinions on…
The revelations disclosed in an episode of BBC’s Fake Britain in January threatened consumer confidence in beds and upholstery nationwide – for…
Email marketing has come a long way since the ‘shout as loud as you can to everyone and anyone’ marketing tactics of old. In this article, David…
Every business needs an edge, says Dr Casey Loo – but which is best suited to yours? Unlike glamorous industries such as fashion, banking and…
A good website design can be as crucial to a business’ success as its store layout, product or salespeople, says Metakinetic’s Daniel Ruffle…
Did you know that a quarter of UK retail spending comes from just 18% of shoppers? These SuperShoppers tend to be 25- to 44-year-old men and…
Concerns over the flammability performance of upholstered furniture and mattresses have been raised due to evidence presented in the BBC's…
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