In the last five years the retail sector has faced enormous pressures, with consumer spending slowing, further compounded by the digital…
With a population of roughly 60 million, Italy is the third largest economy in the Eurozone and the fourth largest in Europe. Until recently,…
Does it often seem that regardless of how many times you tell your sales staff they need to improve a certain behaviour or statistic, your words…
Looking for more interviews, event reports and product? Read the latest issue of Furniture News … The October issue features reports from…
For many buyers, the Far Eastern exhibition circuit has become almost second nature. However, a few key changes to the 2014 show dates means…
Western Europe is a key player in the global furniture sector, accounting for over 20% of total furniture production and around 20% of…
Leigh Caldwell, author of The Psychology of Price, explains how to find out the highest price a customer will pay for a product … It’s likely…
According to FIRA’s latest Statistical Digest, US furniture and furnishings account for around 8% of the UK’s imports, while the US remains a…
Leigh Caldwell draws from his new book on pricing psychology to show why giving a customer a little more time to pay can encourage them to spend…
In this article, Leigh Caldwell, the author of The Psychology of Price, a guide to using price to increase demand, profit and customer…
Have you ever walked near a customer without even saying a word and still hear that they’re “just looking”? You might wonder what you did to…
Over the years Poland has reinforced its position at an international level, becoming the world’s eighth largest furniture manufacturer – it…
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