19 September 2024, 23:03



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Dec 21, 2022 Resources

The Big Question: Who/what do you see as your biggest competitor?

What do you think? From emerging trends to the latest business principles, Furniture News is setting out to gauge the trade’s feelings on a…

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Dec 21, 2022 Resources

Unlocking a greener tomorrow

Against a backdrop of growing consumer demand, evolving methodologies and rising awareness of the issues involved, eco-friendly furniture…

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Dec 15, 2022 Resources

The benefits of unified IT

Yes, technology can be your friend – but without the right model in place, it can also be a retailer’s worst enemy. That’s why a truly unified…

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Dec 12, 2022 Resources

Progressive promotions and the cost of living crisis

The times they are a-challengin’ – which makes choosing the right approach to pricing and promotions more crucial than ever, according to the…

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Dec 12, 2022 Resources

JFS – overcoming all obstacles

The January Furniture Show has been a must-attend date in the diary of professional retail buyers for the last 32 years, writes show manager…

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Dec 09, 2022 Resources

The challenges of recreating fabric in CGI

If the goal of CGI imagery is realism, fabric presents creative studios with one of their most significant challenges. In this article,…

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Dec 08, 2022 Resources

Is your PR SEO savvy?

Despite huge shifts toward digital content consumption, when it comes to PR, many still consider their product being featured in a printed…

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Nov 28, 2022 Resources

Employing staff on zero-hours contracts ahead of Christmas

With staffing provision more difficult than ever, what should retailers know about employing staff on zero-hours contracts ahead of the…

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Nov 28, 2022 Resources

December's issue: Fair chance

The ongoing cost of living crisis and looming shadow of recession means a bumpy ride ahead for many, so it’s more important than ever to source…

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Nov 28, 2022 Resources

The NBF – making it right

With the pressure on to maintain quality standards against a difficult economic backdrop, National Bed Federation (NBF) technical adviser…

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Nov 27, 2022 Resources

The Big Question: What do you do on a slow day?

What do you think? From emerging trends to the latest business principles, Furniture News is setting out to gauge the trade’s feelings on a…

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Nov 25, 2022 Resources

Reflections on 13 years of Bed Industry Awards

To introduce Furniture News' Bed Industry Awards supplement, which featured in November's issue, the magazine's editor-in-chief Paul Farley…

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