19 September 2024, 22:31



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Oct 26, 2022 Resources

Right to work revised

The Government recently announced changes to the ways that employers, including those in the furniture industry, can perform ‘right-to-work’…

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Oct 24, 2022 Resources

The implications of the green furniture movement

In October's Furniture News, we asked members of the trade for their take on furniture's eco-friendly movement, and what it meant for their…

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Oct 20, 2022 Resources

Sell the benefits, not the product

Why do people buy your products? Rather than rolling out the old sales spiel, perhaps it’s time to reconsider the qualities that actually push…

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Oct 17, 2022 Resources

The big glossary of 'green'

Do you want your furniture business to be sustainable, but find yourself bamboozled by all the eco-friendly and environmental terminology? More…

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Oct 14, 2022 Resources

The Big Question: What's your biggest sales turn-off?

What do you think? From emerging trends to the latest business principles, Furniture News is setting out to gauge the trade’s feelings on a…

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Oct 12, 2022 Resources

Cylindo assesses Europe's top retailers in free report

Leading product visualisation platform Cylindo, which works with established brands and retailers across the furniture industry in Europe and…

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Oct 10, 2022 Resources

What defines a 'consumer'?

With new research from the Institute of Customer Service finding that customer service complaints have hit their highest level on record and are…

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Oct 07, 2022 Resources

The power of predictive SEO

Organic search power remains the most cost-efficient tactic to gain market share, says MediaVision’s Adam Freeman – but, with demand changing so…

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Oct 03, 2022 Resources

Responding to demand for eco-friendly furniture

In October's Furniture News, we asked members of the trade for their take on furniture'seco-fornedly movement, and what it meant for their…

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Sept 29, 2022 Resources

Seizing Christmas marketing opportunities

Christmas may seem some time away, but for furniture marketers keen to make a splash in the glossies and online, it’s never too early to start…

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Sept 27, 2022 Resources

October’s issue: Sustainability serious

In October’s issue, Furniture News returns to the sustainability story, as all the signs point to the need for lasting change. Do consumers…

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Sept 16, 2022 Resources

The UK bed industry talks trends

Is your bed business ahead of the curve, or has it some catching up to do? For this year’s Bed Buyer, Furniture News asked a selection of our…

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